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Posts Tagged ‘Houston Chiropractor’

Welcome to Spinal Centers of Texas's Houston Chiropractor Archive. Here you can learn more about Spinal Centers of Texas, Chiropractic, and Dr. Frederick Savard, today's choice for Chiropractors in Houston, TX. Read Dr. Frederick Savard's Chiropractic Houston Chiropractor for the health of it.

We look forward to serving you! Call - (281) 493-2535.

Summer Time Blues With Whiplash

Neck Pain Houston TX Whiplash

Most of us all love summer and vacations at the lake or ocean. We all relish the great memories we created as children. Unfortunately, many of us try to recapture our youth without hesitation with spontaneous water fights, being first to show off how well we "used" to water ski, or even go and jump ...


Allergy Season Is Here!

Allergy Houston TX Hayfever

The warmth of summer is finally here!  As we open the windows and doors, we may find that the increase in temperature coincides with the massive pollen levels that are causing an unwanted boost in cases of seasonal allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis.  This is unwanted news for those of us who anxiously awaited for summer ...


Solving the Equation for Neck Pain

Houston TX Neck Pain

If you think about the mechanics of your neck, you’ll realize it’s not surprising how easily it can be injured. It has amazing flexibility, is constantly on the move, has very little muscular support, but has to support the 14 - 16 pounds of your head. It is like balancing a bowling ball on a ...


Your Health’s Fuse Box

Houston TX Chiropractic Clinic

In our office, our purpose is to not only help you get well but to stay well.  The best way for us to achieve this simply explaining the "how" and "why" of how your body works and what you can do to maintain the results that we are able to help you achieve. Understanding Made Easy When ...


The On Ramp to Better Health

Houston TX Health Solutions

The superhighway, as it was coined in the 1990's, was developed to bring our global communications and information to one great stream accessible by all of us.  The information is translated and driven by numerous languages and mathematical algorithms but one system that is universally is the same is that to access and connect to ...


Spinal Centers of Texas